Tuesday, 19 February 2008

D is for Dressing Up

Just finished Nick's "D" page, and as he spent most of his early years dressed as Fireman Sam or a policeman, the title just had to be "Dressing Up"! Now he hopes to join the RAF, so I suppose his love of dressing in uniform has never really left him!

Sunday, 10 February 2008

My Clipboard

At last! After buying the kit to make this last summer, I finally got round to doing it! I loved making this, as my usual style is very regimented so it was great fun tearing papers and tying bits of ribbon everywhere. I've promised myself I'll try and do this type of stuff more often. I've used a favourite photo of me on it, sulking madly as I hated having my photo taken....wish I'd remembered this when my daughter went through a similar phase a few years ago! I've hung it above my desk and I love looking at it. The only trouble is, I can't actually USE it as a clipboarsd 'cos I don't want to cover it up. Maybe I should make another one to actually use?!

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

C is for Clarinet

Just finished the "C" layout for Nick's A to Z journal tonight, this one was easy as Nick has played clarinet since the age of 8 and we've always loved hearing him play. I chose 2 photo's for these pages, the first shows him playing a duet with his Aunty Carole, and the other shows him proudly wearing his marching uniform when he played for the West Yorkshire Fire Service Band. His bright red uniform made it easy to choose the background papers! Nick has a real musical talent, and although he doesn't play much these days, I hope he never stops playing in the future as he really is a joy to listen to.