Sunday, 30 August 2009

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Nick's big day

Well, the big day has finally arrived, and we are about to wave Nick off as he leaves to start his officer training at RAF Cranwell. We will follow him down a bit later for a parents briefing, although there's no guarantee that we will get to see him for the next 5 weeks as he settles in to his new life. We love you so much Nick, and feel so proud that you are one of the chosen few who will be getting to live their dream. Before I get too slushy, I'll come back down to earth as the "embarassing mum" who likes to post pictures of you in the old days when you were cute! God bless you Nick xxx

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Almost there!

As Nick leaves home to start his RAF training on Sunday, I've been madly trying to finish his A to Z album. I did the "V" page at my Leeds Paper Dolls crop day last Saturday, after finally settling on "vigilant", the name of the powered glider he flies the recruits in at Topcliffe. I bought some metallic spray paints whilst I was there, and had fun playing with them at Janet's house yesterday. The mottled effect looked like old map paper, so I decided to use it for the map of Yorkshire on his "Y" page. Only "Z" to go now, plus decorating the inside covers. I should make it, inbetween trying to pack (Polly is going to Scotland with her friend tomorrow!)
Wish me luck....and inspiration!