Friday, 31 December 2010

November 2010

Well, here I am on the last day of 2010, spending it doing what I love best...scrapbooking! I've had a lovely chilled-out day upstairs in my craft room, getting covered in glue and glitter (note to self - DO NOT wear black next time you get the glitter out!!) Just need to do the December layouts now, but need to think about it carefully, as the main focus will be Nick's graduation. That was such a proud day, and I want to do Nick justice. No ideas at the moment, so hopefully 2011 will bring some inspiration!

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Our hero

Just had to blog again after receiving some fantastic news yesterday.....after joining the RAF as a trainee officer last September, Nick has just been told officially that he will pass out from college as a Pilot Officer next Thursday. We are so so proud of him, it has been a long hard slog but finally he can start to "live the dream."
Well done Nick, you are our hero xxxxx

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Nick leaves home

2 blogs in 1 day, whatever next!
Thought this news deserved its own post - although Nick officially left home last year to join the RAF, he has still been coming home on leave. He has spent most of his weekends staying with his girlfriend Jess; as she lives with her parents just across the road from us, this hasn't made too much difference! However, they are madly in love and have decided to rent a little bungalow a few streets away from us. Here it is:
They moved in yesterday, and by the end of the day they even had a beautifully decorated Christmas tree in the lounge! They are so happy together, and make a lovely couple. Jess's little girl, Abbie, was just as excited too, and her bedroom is already a vision in pink!
They live on the top of the hill, which means the views from their lounge window are spectacular....think if I lived there, I'd never get anything done! Here was the view last night -
Lovely, isn't it?
I wish them all love, peace and joy in their new life together xxx

Journal 2010 catch-up

Well, so much for my aim to do a monthly post! Thought I'd share my 2010 pages, I've just completed September now, so not TOO far behind!
Here are the September pages -
Here are the pages I did for August -
Not forgetting my "Big 50" in July -

And lastly, here are my June pages. Gosh, these seem years ago!

Hopefully, the last 2 months will get done asap, before \i forget what happened!