Sunday, 14 June 2009

R is for RAF

To celebrate Nick's achievement, I decided to add "R" to his A to Z book; it was always going to be "RAF" but I didn't want to tempt fate before we'd heard the outcome of his officer selection board.
I felt really proud of him while I assembled these pages, and decided to scan his original letter, then reduce it in size before printing it out, so a miniature copy of the best news he's ever had will always be inside the little envelope! Hope you like it. Just got V, Y and Z to go now...


Giulietta said...

What a great page to have in his book! I like the sewing for he circles and what a good idea to reduce the letter.
How have you done the narrow pink border round the edge?

Carole Twells said...

Hi Karen
Love the almost finished book
You are so clever to keep thinking of all these ideas and squeezing a calendar for me in the middle too!! You are a very special person